David Hughes, the esteemed seller of this impressive Guinness collection, is a prominent figure in the collecting world, particularly among Guinness enthusiasts. His authority is underscored by his authorship of several books on the brand, including ‘The Guide to Guinness Collectables’ and ‘A Bottle of Guinness Please.’ His extensive knowledge and experience guarantee the authenticity and value of these items.

David’s profound understanding of the Guinness brand is not just a result of his 16-year tenure as a brewer at Guinness’s Park Royal Brewery in London. It’s a testament to his unwavering dedication and passion for the company’s history, a dedication that has made him a renowned expert in Guinness.

Today, David has decided to part with his cherished and rare collection. Victor Mee Auctions is privileged to have been chosen to sell these significant pieces. The collection boasts several original artworks, including rare original John Gilroy sketches signed by the artist, which hold substantial historical and artistic value and are a testament to its unique value.

John Gilroy’s iconic animal mascots are highly coveted and are a fantastic addition to any Guinness collection.

  1. Lot 246: Framed carving “Stone Man After Henry Moore Sketch” by John Gilroy. Estimated value: €600-€1200.
  2. Lot 247: Framed sketch of the Guinness toucan with a paintbrush by John Gilroy. It was gifted to David Hughes by art dealer Robert Lloyd. Estimated value: €200-€300.
  3. Lot 323: Framed sketch of a koala on a branch with a Guinness bottle, signed by John Gilroy. Estimated value: €400-€600.
  4. Lot 379: Framed pencil sketch of Guinness Zoo animals running by John Gilroy. Estimated value: €400-€800.
  5. Lot 1180: Original framed advertising artwork depicting the Guinness Sealion and Ostrich from 1953. The vendor purchased it at Christie’s, South Kensington, in the late 1990s. Estimated value: €600-€1200.


Several books are being auctioned by the vendor, which includes:


– Lot 525: “Gilroy Was Good for Guinness,” written and signed by David Hughes. Estimated price: €20-€40.

– Lot 711: “The Lost Art of Guinness: The Final Chapter,” Gilroy Canvases signed by author David Hughes. Estimated price: €20-€40.

– Lot 738: “Guinness Bottlers Labels II,” composed and signed by David Hughes. Estimated price: €20-€40.

David Hughes Guinness

Other notable items from David Hughes Guinness private collection.

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